Watts Kwik Change RO

I am gonna show you how quick and easy it is to change the filters in your Watts four filter quick change reverse osmosis system.

First thing you're going to do is turn off the cold water, it will always be one on the right. Go ahead and push your faucet, let it all drain out as much as it will.

Okay now you're ready to take the filter off. Essentially all you need to do is take the first filter, turn a quarter turn anf pull it out. Do the same thing with all four.

Okay, take your new filters, pull the top off, put it in, twist. And that's all there is to it.

You're gonna need to flush the system three different times in order to remove any loose carbon and what not that’s in there before you're ready to drink any of it.

Once you hear the gurgling stop that means the tank is full go ahead and pull the lever down you'll see, you'll see the water start flowing. Wait until it's completely flushed and it stopped running.

Push it back up and let it close, you'll hear the waters starts gurgling again wait until the tank is full; do this three times so that the system is completely flushed.

After that you can enjoy great tasting water and I tell you I've tasted this water before and it it tastes really good.

Be sure to sign up for our eFilter auto-refresh program also were you save on ship-ping and you never have to remember order replacement filters. We send you just the filters you need when you need to replace them. No membership fees, no binding contract, cancel at any time.

Watts Premier RO-Pure 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis System